Saturday, May 16, 2009

Chia Obama?

Has anyone seen the commercial for the Chia Obama that you can buy? All I could think when I saw it was 'what?!' And they play it up like it's this great piece of history you can be a part of when you purchase it (and at the same time I could really see my aunt buying one!). I, personally, think the original Chia pets are kinda stupid. So this just really crosses that line for me. And if I were Barack (that's right, he and I are on a first name basis) I would be a little offended; wouldn't you think? That's just my opinion. What do you think???


  1. Stupid, I think it is totally stupid!!!

  2. Hilarious! I had to Google it and it was worth the effort. And, yes, really a stretch to pretend that purchasing it could make you a part of history.

  3. I think that'd be cool to see what I looked like as a chia pet :)

  4. You would look like you...with a fro :)

  5. Glad you posted about this cause I was thinking the same exact thing! What other President had their own personal Chia Pet? What a strange world we live in. Next thing you know, they are going to sell a Barbie doll who looks and dresses like Michelle O.
