Saturday, February 28, 2009

Remember when...

Well, it's 9:45 on Saturday night and everyone is in bed :) And I'm sitting on the family room floor having a cocktail and sorting through a bunch of cd's that I burned when I still lived at home (some of them I made when I was in high school). I know it sounds totally lame, but, I am having a blast. None of the cd's are labeled other than one or two songs (because somehow I thought that would make me remember every other song that's on there). Every song is making me think of being in high school or when husband and I were first dating and married and we went out and did whatever we wanted when we felt like it. It's funny to look back and remember how much fun we used to have. Don't get me wrong, I love where we are now with our family. But, it used to be soooo great when we could go out to dinner or go out with friends and have a few beers and watch husband's band play. Or go up to Grand Rapids and spend the weekend with my brother in law and his wife or go down to Indy and visit our friends that live just outside of the city. It's amazing the things I took for granted then that are almost impossible to do now. I am far from regretful of the direction my life has gone because we are so very blessed with our girls. But, I look back at how simple our life used to be and it makes me a little sad that we don't have our life anymore. Just me and husband.


  1. I remember feeling like you feel now. I can tell though, that what you have now is so much more important. If you need time away with hubby, you know you can call me and I'll be there for the girls. I love you!

  2. Thank you, Mom. That helps. It's not even so much that I want to get out. I think everybody else going out last night and me staying home with the kids while husband went to bed at 8:00 for work got to me. I ended up having a 'poor me' moment and it passed (very selfish, I know). I know I have it good with the girls, I wouldn't trade them for anything. I love you back!

  3. It is weird I ended up feeling like that because I was so excited to have some quiet time. I guess that's what happens when it's quiet...I can hear myself think :)

  4. I know exactly where you're coming from! I get nostalgic feelings every now and then for the times when the hubby and I could go out on a moments notice for a glass of wine and appetizers at our favorite restaurant, or when we'd randomly go see a 10pm movie. It's the freedom that I miss sometimes, and while it's all worth it - part of me longs for that every now and then...

    Take your moms offer and take some time away w/ the hubby! :) We're planning a weekend away in the fall, I can't wait!

  5. you can live vicariously through boyfriend and me, haha :)

    i kinda know what you mean though about taking time together for granted. once he went down to school i realized that i did take time with him for granted a lot when he was here, but the time we do spend together now is real quality. i bet that's how you feel when you and husband get a night away :) just remember, one day they'll get old enough to watch themselves! ;)

    love you :)

  6. Going down memory lane is fun to do. Just watch though, you are going to blink and your girls will be old enough to date. It goes by so fast trust me! I never thought I would be at this point in my life with grandchildren. It was like yesterday that hubby and I were cruising with the sunroof open listening to Three Dog Night and Credence Clearwater. You and hubby need to plan date nights, which you probably already do. Your momma sounds like she loves to babysit.

  7. I miss living alone. That's what I get nostalgic for.
