Thursday, October 8, 2009

Things Kids Say Thursdays

I happened to stumble upon this at Mud Pies for Mommy while checking out all of the You Captures this morning and thought it was a great idea! The idea being that you simply keep track of the funny things your kids say throughout the week and share with others. So here is my favorite Noodle quote of the week...

We were driving home from the grocery store Tuesday afternoon and we just made the turn onto our street when I hear Noodle (age 3) tell Lizard (11 months), 'It's ok sweety, I'll keep you safe from rhinos, IIII promise.' And if you ask me that's a promise I think she'll be able to keep :)


  1. Thanks for playing along!!!

    That is too cute, did you guys go to the zoo recently?

  2. We didn't, she just thought it up and that was it :)

  3. She is such a good big sister! I love them both so much!

  4. What an adorable way to chronicle the wondrous things that kids say. I will definitely play along with my grandchildren. You are very, very lucky that your big girl promises to keep your little one safe... from rhinos. Hey, you never know!!
    - Sharon

  5. neat is that, to have the same Anniversary date as my daughter. Have a great one!

  6. Everyone needs someone to protect them from rhinos!

  7. rhinos? where does she get these things? if only to get inside a 3 year olds mind :) love her to pieces.

  8. Ha! I've heard rhinos can be pretty mean.
